HC_BlngStmtChargeForm Data Dictionary

Healthcare Billing Statement Charge Form

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
BlngStmtChargeFormID Billing Statement Charge Form ID Unique identifier for the billing statement charge form entry.
AcctHldrID Account Holder ID Identifier for the individual or entity responsible for the account.
AgingPeriod Aging Period Time frame used to categorize the age of an unpaid bill or invoice.
Amt Amount Total amount charged for services or items.
AmtIns Amount Insurance Amount covered or to be reimbursed by the insurance.
AmtPt Amount Patient Amount payable by the patient.
AmtAdj Amount Adjustment Total adjustment made to the billed amount, reducing the payable balance.
AmtAdjIns Amount Adjustment Insurance Adjustments made to the insurance portion of the billed amount.
AmtAdjPt Amount Adjustment Patient Adjustments made to the patient's portion of the billed amount.
AmtBal Amount Balance Remaining balance owed after payments and adjustments have been applied.
AmtBalIns Amount Balance Insurance Remaining insurance balance after insurance payments and adjustments.
AmtBalPt Amount Balance Patient Remaining patient balance after patient payments and adjustments.
AmtPmt Amount Payment Total payments received towards the billed amount.
AmtPmtIns Amount Payment Insurance Payments received from insurance towards the billed amount.
AmtPmtPt Amount Payment Patient Payments received from the patient towards the billed amount.
BlngStmtDOS_ID Billing Statement Date Of Service ID Identification for the billing statement corresponding to the date of service.
BlngStmtMainID Billing Statement Main ID Main identifier for the billing statement.
ChrgCode Charge Code Code representing specific charges for services or products provided.
DateOfService Date Of Service The date on which healthcare services were provided to the patient.
DescX Description Detailed description or note related to the billing statement and charges.
DescNoteGen Description Note General General note or comment regarding the description.
DescNoteGenDetail Description Note General Detail Detailed note or comment regarding the general description.
DetailNotes Detail Notes Additional notes providing further details or clarification on the charges or statements.
ICDCodes ICD Codes International Classification of Diseases codes that categorize diseases and a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and external causes of injury or disease.
IsDisplayDetails Is Display Details Indicator of whether the charge form details should be displayed.
IsFullPaidIns Is Fully Paid Insurance Indicator that signifies if the insurance portion of the bill is fully paid.
IsFullPaidPt Is Fully Paid Patient Indicator that signifies if the patient portion of the bill is fully paid.
LedgerID Ledger ID Identifier for the ledger entry related to the billing statement.
NameX Name Name associated with the billing statement charge form, such as the name of a patient, provider, or service.
NoteGen Note General General note or comment potentially related to the ledger or billing statement.
NoteGenID Note General ID Identifier for a general note or comment.
Prov_Degree Provider Degree Educational degree of the healthcare provider, such as MD, DO, RN, etc.
Prov_Initials Provider Initials Initials of the healthcare provider's name.
Prov_Suffix Provider Suffix Suffix in the healthcare provider's name, if any, such as Jr., Sr., III, etc.
Prov_Title Provider Title Title of the healthcare provider, such as Dr., Nurse, etc.
ProvNm_First Provider Name First First name of the healthcare provider.
ProvNm_FullFirst Provider Name Full First Provider's full first name as it should appear on documentation.
ProvNm_FullFirstDeg Provider Name Full First Degree Provider's full first name followed by educational degree.
ProvNm_FullFirstTitle Provider Name Full First Title Provider's full first name followed by professional title.
ProvNm_FullFirstTitleDeg Provider Name Full First Title Degree Provider's full first name followed by professional title and educational degree.
ProvNm_FullLast Provider Name Full Last Provider's full last name as it should appear on documentation.
ProvNm_FullLastDeg Provider Name Full Last Degree Provider's full last name followed by educational degree.
ProvNm_FullLastTitle Provider Name Full Last Title Provider's full last name followed by professional title.
ProvNm_Last Provider Name Last Last name of the healthcare provider.
ProvNm_Middle Provider Name Middle Middle name of the healthcare provider.
PtID Patient ID Unique identifier for the patient related to the charge.
PtNmFirst Patient Name First First name of the patient as it appears on their medical record.
PtNmFullFirst Patient Name Full First Patient's full first name as it should appear on documentation.
PtNmFullLast Patient Name Full Last Patient's full last name as it should appear on documentation.
PtNmLast Patient Name Last Last name of the patient as it appears on their medical record.
PtNmMiddle Patient Name Middle Middle name of the patient as it appears in their medical records.
PtPolicyID Patient Policy ID Identifier for the patient's insurance policy related to the charge.
PtSuffix Patient Suffix Suffix in the patient's name, if any, such as Jr., Sr., III, etc.
PtTitle Patient Title Title of the patient, such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc.
Quantity Quantity The number of items or services charged on the billing statement.
TreatProcID Treatment Procedure ID Unique identifier for the treatment or procedure on the billing statement.
UnitPrice Unit Price Price for each unit of service or item as listed on the billing statement.
ZUChkSum ZU Checksum Checksum used in audit logs to verify data integrity.
ZUDate ZU Date The date when the entry was made or last updated in the system for auditing purposes.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History ID Identifier for the logon session history used in system audit logs.